Lange's Rock Farm Ltd
Old World Look - Old World Longevity

Major project for 2019: Horseshoe Island in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Granite seawall, cobblestone walkway (with wheelchair access to the beach) and patio stone gathering place

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Citizens applaud Lange's Rock Farm's efforts on Horseshoe Island!

About Lange's Rock Farm

The foundation of Lange's Rock Farm Ltd is their Dimension Stone Granite Quarry in Maplewood, Nova Scotia. From it, Mattias "Matt" Lange sources and processes the finest granite for their contracts - from massive, months-long projects to more modest ventures. Reputable contractors, distributors and do-it-yourselfers also call on Lange's for their fine "Atlantic Sparkle" granite.

Products and services include design and construction of solid rock walls, chimneys, fireplaces, cobblestone decking, pathways and retaining walls. As well, the licensed blasters are called on by contractors, entrepreneurs and home-owners alike.

Matthias learned his trade in Switzerland. From 1986, the licensed blaster has continued furthering his education and expertise in the stone industry - for example, mastering cobblestone road construction, a skill which he uses for projects of all sizes.

Since 1996, a proudly owned and operated family business in Nova Scotia